Dentures and dental appliances such as bridges are tooth substitutes. They don’t have the advantage of being permanently fixed to your gums as do natural teeth, so greater care must be taken to prevent damage to both the dentures and to your gums.
Dentures are designed to be looked after in the same manner as your teeth – they should be brushed regularly after eating with a soft toothbrush and specific denture cleaners. These are designed to lengthen the life of your dentures by preventing scratching and wearing away the surface of the appliance. If it is not possible to brush your dentures after eating then rinsing them will help to remove any debris under the denture that may damage the gums. Care must also be taken to prevent shocks such as dropping your dental appliances, so when cleaning them, put the plug in the basin so that if you drop your dentures then the fall will be cushioned by the water and they will not chip or break. Similarly, bleach shouldn’t be used on dentures as this may damage them and will whiten the pink area that the teeth are set into.
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